Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 6, 2011

So this is my first blog post since I've gotten to Australia. I didn't have Internet until about 2 days ago so I'm incredibly glad that I have it now! I felt like I didn't have an appendage since I didn't have a cell phone ("mobile") or Internet for days. My flight to Australia was long, but I made quite a few friends while flying here. I made friends with the neighbors and I even had one guy lend me his mobile so I could call my friend Warwick to pick me up from the airport! Life is good though. I've missed the heat and the sun. :-)

So far I've been doing mostly the things a person needs to do once they pick up and move locations. I had to buy furniture, start a bank account, get a mobile, and I'm still working on the getting financial aid for school ("uni") part. I also need to get an International Student Identification Card (ISIC) and a Proof of Age card so I can get cheaper flight deals and not have to use my passport for everything, respectively. Also, it's hella expensive to live down here. A bottle of water cost me $2.80! And everyday things that I took for granted in the U.S. are expensive here, like shampoo/conditioner/lotion. That doesn't even include food items. I won't even start on that rant! But altogether I would still say I'm very happy to be here.

I went to an International student orientation on Friday as well, and not only did Murdoch mess up the room number and switched it -- the messed up the building as well. It was in a totally different building and room number than originally labeled. I walked in and they were talking about something related to water and there were a lot of business looking people in there, so I knew I was in the wrong place. Once I finally found the place, with the help of Xani, things were good. They spent half the morning trying to teach us how to speak and understand Aussie since it's pretty hard to understand at times. I just wish it would have been more informative. The only parts that were informative, I dare say, were about the Over Seas Health Coverage (OSHA) and the visa's conditions on what we students can and cannot do while on our visa. I met a Norwegian lady that will be in my veterinary science program and an English lady that is going for Sociology, so that was pleasant. I will try to keep in touch with them since I'm a social butterfly and need to make some more friends!

I went to Freemantle ("Freo") yesterday with my roommate Xani and met up with Warwick to watch the sunset on the beach while drinking some white wine. Oh yes, I drank wine. Check me out! :-) It was fantastic!! And the shops and the culture in Freo is fantastic! I bought a cute dress that is actually designed to as on of the famous Claude Monet paintings, "Water Lilies." It's gorgeous! I was going to hang out with Warwick last night but plans didn't pan out. :-/ That's alright, I got to see a cool movie, "Priscilla: Queen of the Desert". It's pretty eccentric if you like weird movies! :-)

 Warwick, me, and Xani in the Freo sunset :-)
 Xani curled my hair so I *had* to take a picture of it! Isn't it cute!?
 Xani and me. Vet science roommates 4ever! hah
 I liked the paintings on this Freo building. It's only a restroom area but while sitting across the street eating exotic pizza, it was nice to look at!
 The beautiful Freemantle sunset. If only I had my swim suit!
Xani, me, and Warwick drinking wine in the Freo sand dunes before sunset. B-)

Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. It's a lazy Sunday and I didn't even get out of my PJ's until like 3pm (Miriam, you'd be proud!). Miss you Americans!



  1. You need to set your blog up to play "Down Under" by Men at Work when people open the page. Ok, that's probably not as cool as I initially thought.

  2. Yeah I wish! I just looked around and I can't put music on here. Sorry to disappoint!

  3. I can't believe that is the first time you have seen "Priscilla: Queen of the Desert"! That is a crazy movie! I want more pictures, but it looks like you are having a great time there!

  4. I'm so glad you started a blog! Now I have a new way to stalk my Ashley-buddy ^_^ But seriously, I'm super proud of you (not to mention a little envious)! It sounds like you're going to have a wonderful time there. You'll have to update often so I can live vicariously through you. And let me know when you're up for a Skype date. I can't wait to hear more about your adventures!

  5. Hey guys, you might what to be one of my "followers" because I'm guessing when I update my blog that you get the update without having to periodically check my website. I could be wrong but it's just a suggestion! Cheers!
