Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 23, 2011

Long time no post! Well pretty much, I just got back from interviewing for a veterinary school in the U.S.. It was good but the interviewers were very stone-faced while interviewing me, as they told me they would be during the interview. So I can't necessarily "project" if they will accept me or not into the program. It's actually for University of Illinois! Jen, if you're reading this, I'm really sorry that I didn't tell you. I didn't know if you'd be upset with me about it or not. So yeah, I pretty much was in IL for about two days after flying 30 hours and then again left for another 30 hour trip back to Australia. It's been crazy. I'm so thoroughly exhausted right now and it's barely 7pm. Anyway, I was informed that of the 240 students that interviewed on Monday, 120 will be accepted and 120 will be put on the waiting list. Which leads to my next problem...

So I was accepted into the veterinary program in London, UK. There is a 4 year and 5 year program and luckily I was accepted into the 4 year program. It's about $32K USD for the London school and it's $45K USD for Murdoch University, which leads to either a $128K USD or $225K USD total tuition, respectively. I really REALLY love Australia but to be honest, I can't afford it. It's expensive to live here (I'm sure it'll be just as expensive in London) but at least the London school is a 4 year program and less tuition at that. The school year doesn't start until after the school year starts in the U.S.. I have to decide if I hypothetically either get declined from U of IL (or put on a waiting list), do I stay at Murdoch or proceed to make arrangements to move to London? I'm all over the freaking world, I know. I'm just so confused by what to do. I emailed the admissions person in London to find out when I'll need to make a decision by and when the exact date is that students begin their studies. And I should hear back from U of IL within two weeks. Any suggestions? I'm at a total loss right now and it's actually disheartening me. I've already made friends here in Australia and everything. I would just as easily make friends in London I'm sure.

Anyway, does anyone have suggestions?


P.S. Sorry, no photos or clips this time. It's "serious time" in Ashley World.


  1. If you don't get into U of I and the quality of schools is comparable between the other two countries is it really worth the $100k vacation and extra year of your life to stay in Australia? It just doesn't make sense financially or any other way based on the information presented.

  2. I agree with Ranaee. I think I would quit school in the land down under. It will take you years to pay off that extra 100K. I think I would maybe even move back here to the US to save up some cash until this fall. If there was honestly a difference in education, then maybe but I really do not think there is a difference. Just my opinion.

  3. Hey girl, that's awesome about u of I, I'm not upset at all. If I were you id wait til u of I gets back to you then decide, mostly because of cost! Also I think london would be a pretty awesome alternative :) just my 2 cents.

  4. London is an awesome city so I totally recommend it. Although u of i is close to chicago.

  5. Flip a coin! No I'm just kidding, that's not like me at all. One thing I'd weigh into my decision is (depending on where you get in) if any of the schools offer a specialization that you want to pursue that the others don't? Paying back loans and being strapped for cash totally sucks, that I am experiencing first hand.

  6. I'm just SO depressed about this entire situation. I absolutely LOVE this place, just minus the cost. It's a shame that since I have other options now that finances are the sole purpose of my leaving. :'o(
