Friday, February 25, 2011

February 26, 2011

Yesterday was pretty good. I went to classes ("uni") but at this point in time I think I've made my decision about leaving so it's almost pointless for me to continue attending lectures if I'm just going to inevitably leave anyway. I was telling one of my classmates about how I almost feel like a ghost -- as if my time is up here and I don't really "feel" like I'm here anymore. I'm trying to change that mentality though and make the best of the rest of my time here. I went out last night to celebrate my friend Noah's 21st birthday and that was alright. I shared some of my Grey Goose with him, but since there were heaps of people there we went to his room so I could give him some. I'm not about to share my expensive vodka with a bunch of strangers!

As I said in my Facebook, last night I had a little time of self reflection as I was walking home from Noah's party. I just hope that I'm making the right decision by leaving here and going to either London for school or Illinois. To be honest, I don't really want to go back to Illinois. I miss my family/friends but now that I've had more of a taste of what it's like to live across the world and be in a foreign country and make friends in an amazing and new environment, it's hard to go back to the Midwest. We'll see what happens when I get my letter from U of Illinois and then I'll make my decision accordingly.

On a happier note, my flatmate, her friends, and I went to South Beach in Freemantle yesterday before I went to Noah's party. THAT WAS AWESOME! We went swimming in the ocean and I got to meet my flatmate's friends that she hangs out with and Xani (my flatmate) brought her dog to the beach and we all went swimming together. It was adorable! AND Xani brought her pois to the beach and she fire twirled! I would show you pictures but unfortunately my digital camera is dead right now so I didn't get photos. I did get a couple photos of the sunset on the beach before my camera died though!

 I wanted to take a picture of the dog beach section of South Beach in Freemantle.
The beautiful sunset over South Beach, Freemantle. Gorgeous!! I wanted to swim to that yacht!

More to come later!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 23, 2011

Long time no post! Well pretty much, I just got back from interviewing for a veterinary school in the U.S.. It was good but the interviewers were very stone-faced while interviewing me, as they told me they would be during the interview. So I can't necessarily "project" if they will accept me or not into the program. It's actually for University of Illinois! Jen, if you're reading this, I'm really sorry that I didn't tell you. I didn't know if you'd be upset with me about it or not. So yeah, I pretty much was in IL for about two days after flying 30 hours and then again left for another 30 hour trip back to Australia. It's been crazy. I'm so thoroughly exhausted right now and it's barely 7pm. Anyway, I was informed that of the 240 students that interviewed on Monday, 120 will be accepted and 120 will be put on the waiting list. Which leads to my next problem...

So I was accepted into the veterinary program in London, UK. There is a 4 year and 5 year program and luckily I was accepted into the 4 year program. It's about $32K USD for the London school and it's $45K USD for Murdoch University, which leads to either a $128K USD or $225K USD total tuition, respectively. I really REALLY love Australia but to be honest, I can't afford it. It's expensive to live here (I'm sure it'll be just as expensive in London) but at least the London school is a 4 year program and less tuition at that. The school year doesn't start until after the school year starts in the U.S.. I have to decide if I hypothetically either get declined from U of IL (or put on a waiting list), do I stay at Murdoch or proceed to make arrangements to move to London? I'm all over the freaking world, I know. I'm just so confused by what to do. I emailed the admissions person in London to find out when I'll need to make a decision by and when the exact date is that students begin their studies. And I should hear back from U of IL within two weeks. Any suggestions? I'm at a total loss right now and it's actually disheartening me. I've already made friends here in Australia and everything. I would just as easily make friends in London I'm sure.

Anyway, does anyone have suggestions?


P.S. Sorry, no photos or clips this time. It's "serious time" in Ashley World.

Friday, February 18, 2011

February 18, 2011

Sorry that I haven't updated this in a while. I've been super busy with uni (ie "classes") and trying to establish myself here in Murdoch, WA. So far the classes haven't been altogether difficult, but it's hard to say when I'm only a week into the semester. I haven't really "started" any of my practicals yet, so it's tough to say how difficult the classes may be. That, and I found that in my Biochemistry class, 45% of the grade depends on the final. Yikes! I probably shouldn't even be posting this stuff considering I have an interview at a US vet school on Monday. Oh well! Maybe then they'll realize that other schools want me too! ;-)

So the heat and humidity have gotten to me. I now have either sun rash or heat rash on the upper side of my arms and they itch like crazy at nighttime. It's like having chicken pox, almost. I have been taking this topical hydrochortizone gel but it doesn't seem to be working the best. Probably because no matter what, I can't get out of the heat! :-P Maybe when I go back to the US the coldness will make them go away. Wouldn't that be nice! Mom, if you're reading this, don't worry... I'm okay! :-)

On another note, I went to the Caversham Wildlife Park with a few fellow first-year classmates and got to pet some animals! Wombats and kangaroos and koalas - oh my! Here are some pics to prove it:
This isn't the best photo but whatever! Kangaroos are adorable! :-)
Wombats apparently are about 30 kg so I feel bad for this guy holding it - I was the last person to pet the wombat!

I didn't get a picture of me petting a koala because there was about 3 bus loads of people wanting to get their picture taken with the few there all at the same time. Sorry to disappoint! Here's a cool pic of a koala though that I took:

Look at the CLAWS on that thing! And yeah, I guess the koala was too shy to get its face taken. More like sleeping 20 hours a day. Such a hard knock life!

And last but not least, because I'm sure people want to see one, a dingo:

Anyway, that's just a few of the photos I took. It just takes a while to load photos on my computer presently, so unfortunately I can't overload you with photos at the moment. Not until I get wireless internet instead of a mobile broadband device. Sorry, guys!

On another note, I'm starting to make more friends at uni. Woohoo! There's actually a pajama party going on tonight at the vet science building common room but unfortunately since I have to leave for my flight at the crack of dawn, it wouldn't be responsible to go to it.

Anyway, that's all I have for now. United States, here I come!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

February 9, 2011

Alright, so I don't have any new photos since I haven't taken any, but that doesn't mean nothing's happened! So I got another vet school interview for a domestic school. I guess I'm going to have to extend my stay in the States for a little while longer. I now have an interview for University of Illinois and an interview for Tuskegee University in Alabama. Yes, it's Alabama, but it's significantly cheaper than Australia, unfortunately. So yeah, it's going to be very VERY chaotic for me the week of February 19-25th!

I went to the second hand shops with my roommate Xani yesterday, so that was fun. I got a couple pillows with pillow cases ($4.99 each... they don't do tax here so it's as much as they say it is!) and a couple purses (I know, I splurged a bit!). I also bought a few shot glasses for the Grey Goose vodka that I bought duty free at Sydney airport. hehe!

Tomorrow is my first day of classes ("uni") and I'm a bit nervous. I don't know what to expect with vet school and I hope that just taking a pen and notebook would suffice. They seem pretty laid back here, so that's good. I don't doubt that the criteria is any less tough than in the U.S. but that it's just a year longer than domestic schools.  I've also met a couple other international students because they do an orientation and other get-togethers to introduce the international students to each other. I met a Norwegian student who is also in the first year vet science program and another student from Montana that is in the first year program. I also met an English student in Sociology and a guy from Boston that's studying Environmental Science -- his name is Noah. How fitting, right? hah :-) And I met a German guy that's into Physics and Engineering. He's hardcore! So yeah, I'm slowly but surely making friends.

It's funny because I do but I don't want to leave the veterinary science program here. I love the atmosphere and the people are very nice, but I just can't stop thinking about the financial aspect. $45,000 x 5 years = $225,000 and that doesn't include rent/utilities/groceries/entertainment. So yeah... about $300,000 probably by the end of my education. University of Illinois is about $23,000 x 4 years = $92,000 tuition. And Tuskegee is cheaper than that, even. So yeah, needless to say... I'd save probably at least $100,000 - $150,000 if I went to University of Illinois. It's a tough decision!!! We'll see if I get in. For now I'm just interviewing, so they can decline me still.

Anyway, I know this blog isn't as interesting as the last and I apologize for that. I haven't had anything TOO exciting to "write home about" per say, aside from running errands for the house and meeting new people whom I haven't taken pictures of yet. Sorry! I may just add a noise of the "lovely" birds I wake up to every morning, if you feel inclined to listen to it:

If you can't open this, let me know! These ravens are freaking obnoxious and loud -- they sound like a dying cat!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 6, 2011

So this is my first blog post since I've gotten to Australia. I didn't have Internet until about 2 days ago so I'm incredibly glad that I have it now! I felt like I didn't have an appendage since I didn't have a cell phone ("mobile") or Internet for days. My flight to Australia was long, but I made quite a few friends while flying here. I made friends with the neighbors and I even had one guy lend me his mobile so I could call my friend Warwick to pick me up from the airport! Life is good though. I've missed the heat and the sun. :-)

So far I've been doing mostly the things a person needs to do once they pick up and move locations. I had to buy furniture, start a bank account, get a mobile, and I'm still working on the getting financial aid for school ("uni") part. I also need to get an International Student Identification Card (ISIC) and a Proof of Age card so I can get cheaper flight deals and not have to use my passport for everything, respectively. Also, it's hella expensive to live down here. A bottle of water cost me $2.80! And everyday things that I took for granted in the U.S. are expensive here, like shampoo/conditioner/lotion. That doesn't even include food items. I won't even start on that rant! But altogether I would still say I'm very happy to be here.

I went to an International student orientation on Friday as well, and not only did Murdoch mess up the room number and switched it -- the messed up the building as well. It was in a totally different building and room number than originally labeled. I walked in and they were talking about something related to water and there were a lot of business looking people in there, so I knew I was in the wrong place. Once I finally found the place, with the help of Xani, things were good. They spent half the morning trying to teach us how to speak and understand Aussie since it's pretty hard to understand at times. I just wish it would have been more informative. The only parts that were informative, I dare say, were about the Over Seas Health Coverage (OSHA) and the visa's conditions on what we students can and cannot do while on our visa. I met a Norwegian lady that will be in my veterinary science program and an English lady that is going for Sociology, so that was pleasant. I will try to keep in touch with them since I'm a social butterfly and need to make some more friends!

I went to Freemantle ("Freo") yesterday with my roommate Xani and met up with Warwick to watch the sunset on the beach while drinking some white wine. Oh yes, I drank wine. Check me out! :-) It was fantastic!! And the shops and the culture in Freo is fantastic! I bought a cute dress that is actually designed to as on of the famous Claude Monet paintings, "Water Lilies." It's gorgeous! I was going to hang out with Warwick last night but plans didn't pan out. :-/ That's alright, I got to see a cool movie, "Priscilla: Queen of the Desert". It's pretty eccentric if you like weird movies! :-)

 Warwick, me, and Xani in the Freo sunset :-)
 Xani curled my hair so I *had* to take a picture of it! Isn't it cute!?
 Xani and me. Vet science roommates 4ever! hah
 I liked the paintings on this Freo building. It's only a restroom area but while sitting across the street eating exotic pizza, it was nice to look at!
 The beautiful Freemantle sunset. If only I had my swim suit!
Xani, me, and Warwick drinking wine in the Freo sand dunes before sunset. B-)

Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. It's a lazy Sunday and I didn't even get out of my PJ's until like 3pm (Miriam, you'd be proud!). Miss you Americans!
